Let’s take last night’s OKC v GS game for example. Chet hits a buzzer beater 3 to tie the game and send it into OT. Amazing. People on the court and at home watching their TVs are going wild.

Video: https://streamable.com/9oke28

But then 0.001 seconds after the shot: “His foot was on the line though I think” (and clearly it wasn’t).

This particular guy does it like every single time. I don’t know who he is but he has this dumb habit of trying to put doubt in the viewer’s head immediately after something great happens. I’ve absolutely heard him go “BUT WAS IT A 3!?” in similar situations where it was indisputably a 3. He does it just to be a dick.

Steph could drop a full court shot and this idiot would still be like “bUt WaZ hIs fOoT bEhInD tHe LiNe!?”

Like shut the fuck up and let people enjoy the moment unless you’re 100% sure

  • johnnys_sackB
    10 months ago

    The warriors announcers are the absolute worst. Since I stream all the games I watch, I get the away feed quite often. Last night, I watched the Timberwolves play the Pelicans on the New Orleans feed.

    I was pleasantly surprised. Their announcers hardly showed any home team bias. They seemed to be calling everything like it was, good or bad, for whichever team. The Timberwolves announcers do this as well.

    However, I watched the Timberwolves play in Golden State twice last week, their announcers each game. Absolutely insufferable. Everything the warriors did was great, everything the wolves did should have been called a foul. The bias was so bad I had to mute it.

    For the record, the Minnesota Vikings radio announcer Paul Allen is way too strong of a homer. He calls things reasonably fairly, and will admit when whichever team does something good or bad. But he celebrates the most minor things the Vikings do too hard. He adds additional praise when minor praise would do. He is too excited at any given moment and it makes him look like a total homer. I can’t listen to him.