Our Oline is abysmal and Spears can’t help with blocking. The threat of King Henry still lives in the heart of defenses. If we don’t want Mayonnaise to turn into puree we need to use more offensive sets that protect him. Both of our TDs came with Henry as the defenses #1 concern. Why are we waiting until we’re down by 20+ to use the gadget plays?

  • shoe1113B
    10 months ago

    I mean… for as big as he is, Henry’s pass pro isn’t great either.

    However, at this point, I wanna see more Spears. Right now it’s predictable. If hes in, its a passing down or a draw play. I’d like to see him get a few full drives and see what he can do. He averages less than 5 rushes a game. He’s so dynamic. Let’s see what we have. I love Henry but without a good line, he’s not making guys miss at this point in his career. Tyjae can.