“What we cared about perhaps wasn’t if he would win his 4th title or not. That or if the demon king is going go returns again. All that we cared about was whether someone could truly stand against time, every day, every night, just to catch up and grasp his own shadow at the end of the road.”
From the original quote: “我们或许在意的并不是什么第四冠,什么大魔王归来。我们或许真的想看看,是不是真的有人可以打败时间,十年如一日,在时间长河的终点,追上曾经的自己。”
Here’s my translation: “What we cared about perhaps wasn’t if he would win his 4th title or not, or if the demon king was going to return. Perhaps what we really want to see is whether anyone can conquer time, experience 10 years as if it’s only one day, and finally, at the end of the river of time, catch up to the self of the past.”