I might get downvoted for saying this, but honestly Kenny is just not impressing me at all. He looks like an average NFL Backup QB. Now I know with a different OC he may play different and play up to his potential, but what if he’s already reached his ceiling? I’ve supported Kenny since he was drafted, but mediocre and subpar performances in games like these make it really hard to continue to support him. I really hope I’m wrong and he does turn out to the longtime franchise Quarterback, but sadly it’s looking like he is destined to be a backup. Also Matt Canada sucks.

  • TheEvyEvB
    10 months ago

    I said he was gonna be average when he came out of Pitt. The looks, the feel, even the face (half joke) screams college quarterback. He was “elite” in college because he learned a system and used his body well- none of which translates very quickly (if at all) at the pro level.

    The small hands are low hanging fruit. The inaccuracies and lack of looking at 2nd and 3rd reads screams inexperience and he hasn’t shown any improvement.

    I measure KP fans in a few different categories [preseason predictions]. MVP/Superbowl year > Elite year > good improving year > meh > he wasn’t gonna be any good.

    I was hoping for a good improving year. I predicted the meh year. And it seems like we are actually learning towards no good/not the answer category.

    We would be ready to scrap and grab a new if this dude wasn’t from Pitt. A lot of people undoubtedly drank the Kool aid. I BARELY took a sip- with full preparation to go south.

    I saw a lil zeal. I saw some good stuff in the 4th quarter. I’ve seen good throws, albeit, at a very inconsistent rate