I might get downvoted for saying this, but honestly Kenny is just not impressing me at all. He looks like an average NFL Backup QB. Now I know with a different OC he may play different and play up to his potential, but what if he’s already reached his ceiling? I’ve supported Kenny since he was drafted, but mediocre and subpar performances in games like these make it really hard to continue to support him. I really hope I’m wrong and he does turn out to the longtime franchise Quarterback, but sadly it’s looking like he is destined to be a backup. Also Matt Canada sucks.

  • cvlz8800B
    10 months ago

    You’re going to get downvoted because the idiots in the fan base are going to say it’s the offensive play calling or it’s the assistants sons fault or some shit instead of looking at the product on the field.

  • Wish__CrispB
    10 months ago

    He’s lost all confidence. He has happy feet. May be broken at this point and not sure he can recover like other young QBs who lose confidence and fall apart.

    That said I hope we do right by the offense and hire a competent OC in the offseason. An NFL scheme could help a lot and may help Kenny get some confidence back.

  • bballjj18B
    10 months ago

    He’s much more difficult to replace than some of our other detriments

  • DylanTobackshhB
    10 months ago

    Should have went O line in the first round and rolled with Mitch

  • ArgolockB
    10 months ago

    If he keeps playing like this, then yeah he ain’t it. I still think he can turn it around, but he needs to do some soul searching and self reflection.

  • DubyaWolfB
    10 months ago

    We have a laundry list of needs, starting with HC & OC.
    The team needs to make a move that changes how we play football, and Tomlin is not part of it. We need a more dynamic offense that involves more than a jet sweep.
    Like Frank Smith of the Dolphins as HC and he can bring in his staff.
    I have said it before and I will say it again, Tomlin is coaching us into mediocrity

  • Obvious-Delay9570B
    10 months ago

    What quarterback shall we draft with the first pick or is the answer in free agency?

  • billfriedman9987B
    10 months ago

    Kenny Pickett has an NFL record for QBs that have played 25 games or more.

    Worst TD/Pass% of ALL TIME.

  • CapitalFill4B
    10 months ago

    I think for many QBs, noticeable improvement comes more suddenly rather than gradually. At some point, for whatever reason, maybe things just start to click. Could happen at the turn to year 3, could come randomly this season. I also think we underestimate how much individual success comes from intangible things. Maybe with a different coordinator he starts to feel better, gels with others better, and maybe that translates to better personal play (reading the field, accuracy, etc). I’ve seen enough players, QB or otherwise, drastically get better or worse really quickly to think he still has time, whether it be on the Steelers or elsewhere.

    That said, I think the Steelers have 2 problems with waiting. 1, it really is concerning that he doesn’t seem to be getting better at all, in any way. 2, is the Matt Canada issue. Obviously not the entirety of their problem, they’ve been a bit more creative lately and the running game has generally been better, but again, as I alluded to above, I think its been bad enough that the team owes it to Kenny to see how much a different OC helps him improve. I think it’s to dumb to wait until the off-season to do that, but regardless I think we can’t pass final judgement on Kenny until it happens.

  • SocialAssassinzB
    10 months ago

    Kenny is not the guy and neither is Canada, two things can be true. A Canada offense has not had a 400 yard game, when did the offense last put up 30 points? He’s a punchline. At this point though, looks like we are stuck with the two of them, and their apparent goal is to play safe and hope the defense wins some more games.

  • TheTelekineticB
    10 months ago

    Kenny isn’t impressing anyone. He might not be a starting QB. Devito had a better game yesterday than Kenny ever has, and the Giants offensive line is worse than the Steelers. The team is in a bad place right now, because there are multiple things that need to be figured out, and they all kind of conflict.

    1. We all know it isn’t all Kenny. He sucks under Canada, but so did Trubisky, and so did Ben. Yeah, Ben was a shell and Trubisky is a career backup, but they all suspiciously sucked in nearly the exact same way. The offense looks SO similar under all 3 of them. I want to give Kenny another season, with a real OC who has a goddamn brain and see what he’s made of, and I do NOT want to see them promote Mike Sullivan. That’s asking for more of the same.
    2. Did Kenny have potential, and he’s been ruined already? Can he be brought back and fixed? Who the hell knows, but it feels like the Steelers have a weak spot for QB development. It always feels like another team’s backup and come in at half or make a start and at very least tread water. Over the last however many years, it seems like a Steelers backup coming into the game is a death sentence. Fields, Dobbs, Rudolph, Duck, and now Trubisky. As yeah, as fun as the whole Duck thing was at the time, he sucked too.
    3. This QB class next year has several talented QBs in it. Should the Steelers bite the bullet and draft someone, or try to fix Kenny and ride out his rookie deal and make the best of it? They aren’t in a position right now to draft high, so you’d probably have to trade up to get one of the better ones. But even if they do, are they going to develop him or just let him loose to figure it out and fail? I can sit here and say I would kill to have CJ Stroud right now, but would CJ Stroud just be sucking as much as everyone else in this god awful scheme does?

    You can watch great players succeed on trash teams. Devante Adams is always open. Derrick Henry and Saquon Barkley are top 10 in rushing yards. George Pickens leads the team in receiving yards, and is 27th in the league, behind a lot of guys with much less talent than him, on teams with worse records.

    It seems that one player carries the offense for a 2-3 game stretch. GP did it a couple games, Dionate did it, Warren is currently doing it. But you can’t tell me that an offense with Diontae Johnson, George Pickens, Calvin Austin, Pat Friermuth, Najee Harris, and Jaylen Warren is hovering around the worst offense in NFL history, all because Kenny Pickett sucks. That’s just unrealistic that he is THAT bad. The entire offense is poorly developed, coached, schemed, and called, and that shit needs to get fixed, or else no QB is going to have a chance to succeed.

  • AngryMrBungleB
    10 months ago

    I was willing to give him last year as a rookie and this year being the game 1 starter but he has shown zero progress in anything at the QB position. I don’t care who the OC is or what the opponents defensive rank is. I am not sure there is a starting QB in the league who would have been so bad to only pass for 100 yards and 50% completion percentage against the Browns yesterday.

  • TheEvyEvB
    10 months ago

    I said he was gonna be average when he came out of Pitt. The looks, the feel, even the face (half joke) screams college quarterback. He was “elite” in college because he learned a system and used his body well- none of which translates very quickly (if at all) at the pro level.

    The small hands are low hanging fruit. The inaccuracies and lack of looking at 2nd and 3rd reads screams inexperience and he hasn’t shown any improvement.

    I measure KP fans in a few different categories [preseason predictions]. MVP/Superbowl year > Elite year > good improving year > meh > he wasn’t gonna be any good.

    I was hoping for a good improving year. I predicted the meh year. And it seems like we are actually learning towards no good/not the answer category.

    We would be ready to scrap and grab a new if this dude wasn’t from Pitt. A lot of people undoubtedly drank the Kool aid. I BARELY took a sip- with full preparation to go south.

    I saw a lil zeal. I saw some good stuff in the 4th quarter. I’ve seen good throws, albeit, at a very inconsistent rate

  • Mayhem201020B
    10 months ago

    I’ve always defended him as well. He has flashed potential at times and he makes it hard to just give up. My biggest argument for why I understand people giving up on him is that he really has shown no progress. Unlike last year. Infact, he’s kinda regressed in some ways. Yeah he’s not throwing interceptions. But he has been so inaccurate which I don’t remember seeing so much of last year and he completely misses open recievers. He is also jittery in the pocket which I don’t think he used to be this bad. I think he really needs a special QB whisperer type positional coach to coach this out of him. He made progress when Flores was helping him out and Flores is a defensive minded coach.