3 months ago Valve said “Smurfing is not welcome in Dota” but its already like nothing has ever changed. The update that was supposed to reduce toxicity has also changed absolutely nothing.

Why is Valve even wasting its time with these things if none of them provide permanent solutions?

  • fuglynemesisB
    10 months ago

    I’ve said similar myself yet every time I bring it up here on reddit, I get downvoted into oblivion. How fickle this sub is. But for what it’s worth, have an upvote as I wholeheartedly agree with you.

    The problem lies in the simplicity of creating brand new accounts after bans are issued. If people were unable to make new accounts after a ban, they’d think twice before smurfing or using hacks, knowing that they would not be able to create a new account every 5 mins and come back to reek havoc.

    The one thing I liked about Warcraft 3 (birth place of the Dota 1 mod) is that the game required a CD key to play it. And if somebody got banned, they were forced to buy the game again to acquire a new key. If only Valve had such retribution in their arsenal.