
  • 420bill69B
    10 months ago

    My thoughts on the day after.

    Our defense was winded by the end of the 4th quarter in that elevation. Our offense was, too, but not to the same extent. Vikes worked their butts off.

    Blackmon just learned that in the nfl, it is ‘measured in inches and not feet’ with regards to making good plays.

    Mattison played the best he did all season. Except he still needs to be the backup to Ty.

    Chandler is super fast/quick! He has like a rocket boost through holes. His blocking sucks, but the dude is tiny compared to who he is blocking.

    Russ wilson sucked balls all game except for 2 throws.

    Dobbs made great plays, fun to watch. But, he needs to get acclimated with each receiver’s speed. His throws aren’t on time.

    Fun game to watch even though I hate sean payton and russ’s ‘lord & savior’ crap. Dude always gets that lucky rainbow pass on us.