With how well the boys have been playing already, it’s easy to overlook the treasure trove of draft picks we still possess. How do y’all think Presti will play it? Trading picks for a win now type of player? Or doing what he does best and running it through the draft? I honestly don’t know, but I’m excited!

(Also. I know the likelihood of us getting all 12 picks is low since a few of them are protected. Question still stands.)

  • android24601B
    10 months ago

    I think he’ll do something very similar to what he did with the Knicks and Clippers with a lot of those pick, where he may very well hold onto a lot of them, but essentially suspend the pick, and keep it as an option for the future by trading them for future picks

    This is a young team with already lots of talent, and it be very premature to jump the gun and flip some of these assets for a vet they might not even need