Finally it is over. To all the abusers, I hope you drop back to iron where you belong. To all the aram duskblade buyers, go rot in hell. Shoutout to all the heroes who anyways bought infinity edge on Samira/ MF/ Jhin/ Jinx/ Yi… . By far the BIGGEST win of the upcoming patch.

  • Ok_Rip8558B
    10 months ago

    yea but now 120 ap zhonyas exist, Im here to rant about how dogshit crit and adc is bc mages, lethality and hybrid builds run the meta. IE still give 65 ad and 40% increased crit dmg instead of current live 45%. LDR was nerfed from 22.5 to 15 on giant slayer passive. Only terminus was added and it only favors on hit AS builds, still no defensive item for crit since shieldbow is worthless with a max of 500 shield at lvl 18. Crit has been dead in botlane forever and no one builds it. IE pre mythic patch gave 80 AD and 25% crit along with 225% crit dmg instead of 200%. Crits deal 175% currently and even after IE you get 215% crit dmg with even less base AD overall bc items were tuned down for the mythics passives, none of that has been reverted and they left the same stats. Serylda’s give both lethality and percentage armor pen so have fun with assassin’s this season. Eclipse gives more AD than IE and cost 500 gold less. BT still awful, losing its passive almost instantly when fighting. ADC is dead, mages will run bot again with their blatantly op items like storm surge, which does 120-250 scaling with lvl along with 40% of your ap. Fizz Akali diana Lb Kass gonna have fun blowing up squishies with this. fuck bot lane and fuck riot