I saw another comment about steelers fans giving Neil shit for his alleged gambling issues. I remember my uncles always saying that Neil laid down for that one. Whats your thoughts in 2023

  • Steelplate7B
    10 months ago

    No…on the game breaking interception, Andre Hastings ran the wrong route on a timing play.

    And I say this as possibly one of the most broken hearted fans that day. You see, I was married to my first wife…whose whole family were Cowboys fans.

    I watched the first half over at their house…the Steelers were losing and they were celebrating. I left for home at halftime. In the second half, the Steelers started coming back…I was starting to get excited about the game and….someone punched me right in the dick. I sat there in my house…alone…a 30 year old dude crying like a little kid.