I get that Josh Harris is sticking to the plan to not fire Ron or JDR until the end of the season, but at what point can we say enough is enough? Ron Rivera and his staff are poison to this team, and they need to be gone ASAP. At this point, keeping Ron around is making Harris look bad and casts doubt on his judgement.

Ron is a loser through and through, and the number one priority should be getting him out of the building. It doesnt matter who else we get to replace him and JDR, we just need to get rid of his negative presence. If we were to do that, then maybe we could spend the remainder of this season getting a couple wins and building some momentum for next year.

I am not liking Josh Harris’s decisions on this so far, and it seriously adds to my doubt of his effectiveness as an owner. At least he’s better than Dan Snyder, but that bar is not very high.

  • CitizenAwakenB
    10 months ago

    Tank. Draft choice. Let them lose. See how the team responds? See how the coaches respond?