I get that Josh Harris is sticking to the plan to not fire Ron or JDR until the end of the season, but at what point can we say enough is enough? Ron Rivera and his staff are poison to this team, and they need to be gone ASAP. At this point, keeping Ron around is making Harris look bad and casts doubt on his judgement.

Ron is a loser through and through, and the number one priority should be getting him out of the building. It doesnt matter who else we get to replace him and JDR, we just need to get rid of his negative presence. If we were to do that, then maybe we could spend the remainder of this season getting a couple wins and building some momentum for next year.

I am not liking Josh Harris’s decisions on this so far, and it seriously adds to my doubt of his effectiveness as an owner. At least he’s better than Dan Snyder, but that bar is not very high.

  • BRC93128B
    10 months ago

    The rational part of me thinks it makes sense to wait to fire anyone. If RR is fired, the interim coach is set up for failure. Also, with the exception of EB, the entire staff is filled with RR’s guys. I don’t think firing RR fixes anything.

    But yesterday was atrocious. Six turnovers. I apologized to my wife for buying tickets. I told my parents they don’t deserve to have me as a fan. It was disgusting to watch. It’s clear that nearly everything has to change.

    I’m not sure firing RR now is the best course of action. But it’s certainly not the worst either.

    • Ill_Enthusiasm6661B
      10 months ago

      Yesterday was ugly as hell, but a good bit of that was the ass beating Dallas gave them the week before. They’re where we will be (with a lesser qb) in two years after a new staff is brought in. So they looked like assholes and got put through fundamental drills all week and we paid for it. Yeah the picks hurt, but they were a product of good defense and lucky plays rather than Sam just being garbage. I personally don’t hold any int that gets thrown while taking a hit against the qb. If they slap your arm you lose control, that’s a situation rather than a decision. And the fumbles were back breaking but they were punch outs not ball security issues. They got drilled heading to the grass, that’s also good defense not bad ball security. Guys punch at the ball every play, maybe one lands per game on average, probably more like .5-.75 per game. We had shit luck and they had been working on it all week or they wouldn’t have all been on point

  • SaucyWalker804B
    10 months ago

    Making a change because fans throw a tantrum isn’t going to help anyone.
    Who is a person who is currently available who is going to get better results than Ron? With our current record would squeezing a couple wins out even help us long term? Dan fired people so often he ended up not being able to attract top coaching talent, why would you want Josh to fall into that trap? Our team has cancer, and this season is like chemo. I don’t expect anyone to like it but let’s not quit now.

  • CitizenAwakenB
    10 months ago

    Tank. Draft choice. Let them lose. See how the team responds? See how the coaches respond?