Hey Reddit, I’m looking for y’alls diverse thoughts and opinions on 1. Parenting 2. The video game industry 3. What effect games have on kids. Now I grew up as a gamer, games were my escape, my coping mechanism which I’m sure is true for other people too. My question for y’all is how did you grow up with your games;- and in the age of me too, did some games you played as a kid age terribly? What do you hope to see from more games going into the future? Please feel free to answer any of these or lurk;- thanks for reading my post :)

  • TheReiterEffect_S8B
    10 months ago

    You sound an awful lot like the people who actually don’t know anything about online gaming. Sorry to break it to you, but every popular online game has toxicity to some degree. I think that should have been glaringly obvious by the fact of this threads existence, and how they are talking about Roblox, of all games, being bad for children.


    If you let your child play any game that has online multiplayer, they are very suspect to any or many forms of toxicity. Fortnite, Apex, Warzone, Battlefield, Minecraft, Roblox, Rocket League, everything.


    Of course there are specific titles that are known for having a great community with very little toxicity, but it does not negate the Human Factor. Anyone can get on to any game at any time and decide to be a raging racist, sexual harassing, sexist incel. I’ve played fortnite for years. I’d venture to guess Roblox is in a far worse state than Fortnite is in, in regards to being bad for your children.