i am suck of getting teammates that go 3k dmg in a 30 minute game and then flame me for being bad. I am now on a mission to stop new people from enjoying the game so i wouldnt have to queue with dogshit players that somehow have gotten emerald from silver.
Join me in queueing on new accounts and making the game more trash as it is because why the fucking not.

  • TeemoHentaiWarriorB
    10 months ago

    Riot is placing people in Emerald, That’s why it’s a nightmare to climb in. I got to Emerald ll and gave up the players are just actual human trash. Nonstop Ego’s and Attitude problems but play worse than an A.I.

    People get mad when you talk smack about Emerald cause they think they’re good players now but they aren’t. Diamond players hate Emerald players with a passion, Smurf / Elo Boosters hate that elo with a passion, Youtubers hate that Elo With a passion, EMERALD PLAYERS hate EMERALD PLAYERS with a passion.

    If you aren’t atleast Diamond 3 or above you aren’t good at the game in the slightest, Every player in D3 or Above i’ve played with are decent humans rarely have egos and actually play to win. Emerald players? Spin the wheel, Which mental illness will they have today?