I get a level up every 4 matches, 4 matches for 20 tokens.
Just play Aram or Quickplay, It’ll level fast.
Yeah they said 13,23, just shows they have no clue what’s going on.
This was supposed to be their biggest year yet and i’m still waiting on the new stuff that they said was coming.
If you improved you will be in Diamond, Emerald ll is old Gold 1 - 2, D4 to E1 are old Plat and everything else is just normal Diamond.
They should of given her Naked Apron Syndra instead of Coven.
Idk how they haven’t updated PvE we have the tech Automated bots play waaaaaaaaaaay better than Co-op Vs AI so they have no excuse when Account making bots exist.
“Own This Or Poor”
All Honesty,
Tick Tock Rewind
Gap Closer
Ban Ekko I Feed
This seems like a buff, Which i don’t get cause he’s already one of the strongest mages atm.
Don’t use chat and just play ARAM you’ll get it faster.
I haven’t been punished in years was Honor 5 before they had brainfart and reset me to 3 for zero reason. I’m Honor 4 checkpoint zero now. It does seem like you need an absurd number of honors to get that upgrade especially when honors are given to honorable but used to say “You carried me”
Yep, But once you get to Emerald that bonus is gone you go from making 47 LP per win to 17 - 23 lp and lose 17 - 50 LP
They want people to think they’ve improved so they keep playing ranked / The game instead of go elsewhere thus skins will get sold more as people are there to buy the borders for FOMO.
/Shrug - I just took a name for myself that references an anime character who also happens to work at japanese mcdonalds.
All the good names like “Crow” or “Crowe” or “Ashton Crowe” are taken.
NGL, I saw that and cringed.
One of the few things that should not be added in any capacity.
It’s referring to people who have the King Rammus Skin (Me)
Speaking of Sion, With all these characters now having unstoppable in their kit and doing twice sions damage and usually twice as tanky his Q should be modified as Unstoppable and R given more turn rate.
Only P.B.E gets access to it, Begone PEASANT -Riot
Riot is placing people in Emerald, That’s why it’s a nightmare to climb in. I got to Emerald ll and gave up the players are just actual human trash. Nonstop Ego’s and Attitude problems but play worse than an A.I.
People get mad when you talk smack about Emerald cause they think they’re good players now but they aren’t. Diamond players hate Emerald players with a passion, Smurf / Elo Boosters hate that elo with a passion, Youtubers hate that Elo With a passion, EMERALD PLAYERS hate EMERALD PLAYERS with a passion.
If you aren’t atleast Diamond 3 or above you aren’t good at the game in the slightest, Every player in D3 or Above i’ve played with are decent humans rarely have egos and actually play to win. Emerald players? Spin the wheel, Which mental illness will they have today?
I Don’t think its physically possible to derank from Gold to Bronze unless you were doing it intentionally, That or the game is pushing you down to your actual rank. You’re not missing much past gold is a nightmare people act like it’s the LCS instead of a video game. If you aren’t above Diamond you should throw your ego out the door cause you ain’t ever gettin paid to play this game.
Vel’koz is one of the 10 characters in this entire game that does not ever deserve buffs.
It was removed cause it made Teemo & Ekko too strong when paired with Crystal Scepter, Rather than make it if you buy 1 or the other they’d rather just remove it cause they don’t want to balance.
It’s not A.I People in Plat and Emerald are just awful players, I’m Emerald ll Right now i’ve never had such an urge to physically harm another player before. Every single game it’s infighting infighting infighting infighting troll infighting and dialup.
They don’t ping anything, Don’t ward anything, Don’t gank 90% of the time even if you freeze wave all game at your tower so easy gank & if they die even once? FF YOU PEOPLE SUCK!!!
When there isn’t infighting? There is zero chat at all and no pings.
If you want to enjoy yourself in Plat or Emerald do yourself a favor and derank to gold people actually want to play the game and are having a blast playing it.
More like 300$ but yeah, If you could have $ in name it’d be funny.