• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • Riot is placing people in Emerald, That’s why it’s a nightmare to climb in. I got to Emerald ll and gave up the players are just actual human trash. Nonstop Ego’s and Attitude problems but play worse than an A.I.

    People get mad when you talk smack about Emerald cause they think they’re good players now but they aren’t. Diamond players hate Emerald players with a passion, Smurf / Elo Boosters hate that elo with a passion, Youtubers hate that Elo With a passion, EMERALD PLAYERS hate EMERALD PLAYERS with a passion.

    If you aren’t atleast Diamond 3 or above you aren’t good at the game in the slightest, Every player in D3 or Above i’ve played with are decent humans rarely have egos and actually play to win. Emerald players? Spin the wheel, Which mental illness will they have today?

  • I Don’t think its physically possible to derank from Gold to Bronze unless you were doing it intentionally, That or the game is pushing you down to your actual rank. You’re not missing much past gold is a nightmare people act like it’s the LCS instead of a video game. If you aren’t above Diamond you should throw your ego out the door cause you ain’t ever gettin paid to play this game.

  • It’s not A.I People in Plat and Emerald are just awful players, I’m Emerald ll Right now i’ve never had such an urge to physically harm another player before. Every single game it’s infighting infighting infighting infighting troll infighting and dialup.

    They don’t ping anything, Don’t ward anything, Don’t gank 90% of the time even if you freeze wave all game at your tower so easy gank & if they die even once? FF YOU PEOPLE SUCK!!!

    When there isn’t infighting? There is zero chat at all and no pings.

    If you want to enjoy yourself in Plat or Emerald do yourself a favor and derank to gold people actually want to play the game and are having a blast playing it.