The Chicago Bulls have ruined the NBA for me. I can’t remember the last time I sat down and watched a full game and enjoyed it because even when the Bulls win, I know they’ll lose the next three so I never get my hopes up or get excited for basketball. Our owner is trash and is okay with mediocrity as long as fans are filling the seats.

To really get into NBA basketball again in the meantime, I chose to join the Thunder bandwagon because while they haven’t reached the peak yet, they are set up extremely well for the future with a boat load of draft capital, exciting young guys in Chet, Jalen Williams, Giddey, and one of my favorite players league wide and a bonafide superstar (imo) in Shai. What else do I need to know about the Thunder? Not too familiar with the role players, rotations, coaches, GM and such, but I’m finally excited to watch and root for a young up and coming team where I can have hope versus rooting for the rudderless Bulls. Excited to join the wagon; let me know about anything I need to know, good beat writers to follow and answers on the items above.

  • fenrir1208B
    10 months ago

    Welcome, my good friend. We have shirts and jerseys to your left, we have the meme stash right next to the food stalls on your right, we also have an alter to Thunder greats such as Semaj Christon, Sebastian Telfair, Kyle Singler, and P.J. Carlesimo, those alters are located in the men’s bathroom just down the hall.

    Just a few ground rules before you get started.

    1. Russell Westbrook, we do not tolerate slander for our king here.
    2. If Sam Presti walks down the hall right next to you, all fans are expected to bow.
    3. The James Harden trade was not as bad as we thought it was.
    4. We do not like snakes.
    5. Steven Adams is love, Funaki is life.
    6. If you have an eighth grader, he is to be submitted to the Presti stockyard.

    Welcome aboard the bandwagon, we know you’ll have fun here. But first, a test to gain my eternal friendship:

    What do you think of Billy Donovan?