Clearly winning is not a priority and I’m ok with that this year and am totally on board with point Jeremy. Ya it’s ugly basketball but I understand getting Jeremy experience during a non competitive year so that he can be our Boris diaw/draymond green type point forward. So if pop knows he’s never going to actually be a point guard, why not push the experiment even further with a guy who could actually be a point guard: Sidy Sissoko! He isn’t going to be a physical liability on defense and he’ll be way better at actually setting up teammates to further everyone’s development, not just Jeremy’s. Pop has already said he sees loads of potential with sidy, and I totally agree, I need some sidy/wemby French connection pick and roll ASAP!

  • mvhcmaniacB
    10 months ago

    I could see him being a Ben Simmons type PG, even if he never gets a jumper. Not good enough to start in today’s NBA, but would be a super valuable role player off the bench or in certain specialized lineups.