For those who don’t know, new Inferno Map no longer changes the terrain of the map. Instead you get these random fire motes that spawn on the map, similar to Bard chimes. Anyone can pick these up and for every 2 you have, you get 1 ability haste. When you die, you drop half of them and anyone can pick them up.

Short issue first; the map not changing at all is rather droll, even if the effect is not interesting. Ocean we get an actual jungle, moutain gives more terrain, hextech gives us some portals, etc. They could have at least kept some of the terrain changes or try new ones.

Longer issue now; the actual gameplay is incredibly uninspired and feels like another case of invisible power being tack on into our games that depending on who you are will either have a drastic impact or hardly any. Ability haste is already easy to acquire and is one of the reasons damage is still so high. Everyone can just ult every minute at this point, and a dragon now adding even more cooldown reduction is just giving everyone power that is not interact able on either side. For the person collecting them its just more stats and for the enemy they are just put behind since the value of spamming abilities just keep going more out of wack.

I hope they can at least make it something more interesting. Like maybe you can spend the motes for something like summoning a drake to run down a lane. Give us something that both teams can play around with instead of just tossing in more numbers.

  • PorkyMan12B
    10 months ago

    I mean it will be fun at first because it’s new (duh) but after that the issues that you describe above will soon make it the worst / least interestind drake.

    Instead they could add stuff like lava pits or something which damage you if you step on them and things like the small volcano holes that blow hot air every now and then and blast you into the sky in other games. League version can just be a knock up.

    But like these fire motes is like “ehh” whatever.