It’s not broken at all.
Everything is precisely calculated and thought ahead.
“But I lost 15 out of 16 games” So ? Like I said, everything is precisely calculated.
It’s not broken at all.
Everything is precisely calculated and thought ahead.
“But I lost 15 out of 16 games” So ? Like I said, everything is precisely calculated.
What you describe only happens for the people that are smurfing.
For everyone else it is the exact opposite and this is why inflation is a huge thing. Basically a iron 2 player can win 65 and lose 35 and his visual rank will be gold while his mmr is silver. So he is visually inflated to a rank that his skill is not worthy of. And as a result, +15 -30 is what people get. Because the system sees that they are not worth of that skill and tries to bring them down.
That is what is happening right now with ranked and this is why it has become a joke now. Insane devaluation.
Low master is basically inflated diamonds by with higher ego
So yeah.
Will all the shit designs Riot has released and mainly the tank bruiser assassin skirmisher tank buster champ called Ksante, a tank mage would definitely be a good idea in comparison.
It does result in a better competitive game though and thus game overall objectively speaking but due to the casual playerbase lacking the skill to be at that level, the game dies.
Yes that is true but you forget that league is not a competitive game.
League in it’s core is a business designed to make money. It does that by being a competitive game.
Their priority is money and everything else comes after that. You can tell that by literally 99% of their decisions they made this year.
Because he takes no skill to pull off. And when you play a champ that does take skill and Garen kills you, well you being better at the game didn’t matter.
He is biased towards some things definitely, but the guy hit challenger on all 5 roles as well as chall on EUW and even on Korea (I am not sure about Korea).
So yeah his understanding and knowledge of the game far exceeds that of anyone working at Riot.
ADC get’s way better the higher the skill level of players is.
Good enemies and good adc and good team >> bad enemies and bad adc and bad team
What does that mean ? That in higher elos the role is better. So how do you get to higher elos ? By playing better.
So the conclusion is skill issue.
The fact that you have to ban a champ because of poor balance just says it all.
Banning a champ should be more about what you don’t like to play against or whatever counters your champ.
Not whatever champ Riot decided to giga buff thus became 54% winrate S+ tier champ and just ignores for 5 patches in a row.
Shen is far from being a split pusher and yes tanks should lose in sidelane but it should take you a considerable amount of time to kill a tank. Not like it is currently where you basically one shot them.
Because the game fundementally is not good. You get heavily punished for 1 random person on your team playing poorly. That is the bread and butter of League’s core issue.
Now besides that, just a whole trash changes that the company made just furthermore make the game worse. Stuff like bad champion designs, poor game balance, ping changes that removed crucial communication, removal of skill expression year by year as well as elo inflation of ranks, and all that just to name a few.
Overall league is a bad game to what it has become now. It can be fun and it can most definitely be addicting but it isn’t good.
You gain 17 and lose 28 because your visual rank is inflated and your mmr is way below that.
Thus the system tries to bring you down with bad Lp gains to your normal elo which is 300-400lp below your visual rank if I had to take a guess.
That is your answer pretty much. You can only fix this by improving and becoming the player that your rank says you are.
Killing a tank should be a team effort. Not some random person going down a lane to “match a tank”, killing it in 15 seconds alone and then jobs done.
Cleaver is meant to help you versus tanks, not kill them for you by stat checking them. In a team effort scenario, cleaver would indeed help a lot so it is good.
Yeah Blitz is honestly a joke compared to the overloaded champs that we get nowadays.
Yes they do.
They did a lot of noob friendly change that removed skill expression in 2023 which helps new players by making the game worse unfortunately.
I think you might be extremely addicted to the game.
I don’t disagree with ADCs becoming very strong once again due to low elos complaining about the role being “weak” but fighters and bruisers were literally S+ giga dominating class for the whole season.
You got your fighter meta, now something else is going to be stronger.