I’ll expand a bit: I’ve seen folks on twitter attributing part of the team’s lack of of success to their perception that wemby has underwhelmed a bit out of the gate.

one guy talked about how in being the one of the 3 or 4 most hyped up, sure-thing prospects of all time, he should be elevating the guys around him more than he has here at the onset. I’m pretty indifferent to this idea, but I lean more toward relenting on wemby and his perceived shortcomings thusfar due to the fact that point sochan hasn’t allowed for much spacing at all, and vassell’s lack of playing with injury.

I remember after wemby’s big game in phx, one user was for a half-court system to be implemented that’d keep Victor exclusively inside the arc, hanging around the basket/post, because he believes Victor is deadliest and most capable of playing best when he’s solely down there.

Touching upon all these points (and please feel free to engage any of these points, this isn’t just about his handle), how much does ur eyebrow raise every time wemby gets pickpocketed when putting the ball on the floor around the perimeter? I understand he has to work on putting the ball lower to the ground, and that he’s nine fucking teen, but I just wanted to raise these points and this question to y’all.

  • Equivalent_Bet1519B
    10 months ago

    He’s never gonna have a good handle at 7’4. Just way too tall and easy to rip

    Even KD’s handle isn’t all that amazing and he’s 6 inches shorter. He’s just able to get to the midrange and shoot over guys and that should be Wemby’s go to in a few years