If LeBron clinches the first-ever NBA Cup, it’s a big deal for his GOAT debate. It would be a unique feather in his cap, showing he’s still dominating in an ever-changing NBA. It’s a fresh, standout achievement that other legends never had the shot at.

Now, throw in winning an NBA Championship in the same year, both at 39? That’s a game-changer. It’s not just about skill; it’s about longevity. Bagging both titles in one season would seriously shake up the whole LeBron vs. MJ debate, making even the most loyal MJ supporters rethink their rankings.

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  • Delicious-Froyo-6920B
    10 months ago

    I think it’s clear the LeBron is either 1A or 1B in terms of the GOAT conversation and for sure he has a place in the Hall of Fame. The problem though is how the media and some of his haters created these narratives that perceive about LeBron, that he is a quitter, not clutch, etc and many people are buying in to those narratives.