Keep your map tweaks, keep your 3 baron variants. SoloQ matchmaking needs a serious overhaul. I got a game with plat, bronze, silver, gold. This is a new low. I have around 400 games and I bust my ass to try and climb through plat and this is what I get? First smurfQ got deleted and the booster/ smurfs and lvl 30s get to join the rest of the playerbase. GREAT. After that visual rank means nothing, it seems so risotto only pairs people with mmr. This is soooooo wrong! Do you seriously believe that a bronze is at the same level of a gold plat or emerald? Most adcs below silver don’t understand when the laning phase is over and whine when the support doesn’t hug them 24/7. There is simply some stuff a plat or emerald understands that a bronze or silver doesn’t. They don’t belong in the same game. SoloQ algorithm needs a serious change NOW. Not in 4 seasons.