Seeing as emenes is retiring, he basically dropped a donezo manifesto of his own on a korean forum before peacing out to his conscription.
Short summary
Fudge and blaber dont practise
Even accounting for the bad soloq environment, NA doesnt practise enough (dont analyze replays of other regions or analyze soloqs from other regions)
Still, Fudge at least helped the team function by taking the brunt of one of the player’s selfishness
4. Ls not human (not sure what this means)
5. Western league sucks
6. Best NA talent: Berserker, Inspired, Jojopyun
7. Best worth ethic: Jojopyun, Yeon, Contractz, academy players and the players on excel when i was there
8. patrik used to call excel a prison but still stayed there for some reason
- Zven is a hard worker, fought with him a lot and wouldn’t want to play with him again but i wish him success
We need more donezo manifestos.
Interesting to read that Blaber doesn’t practice. It’s disheartening to read that someone who is in the race for NA GOAT doesn’t care enough to practice. How does he intend to ever win Worlds? Contractz had a far better showing than him.