I want to see Doublelift x Rekkles just to see the chaos on social media lol
I want to see Doublelift x Rekkles just to see the chaos on social media lol
Bring back Madlife. Too many people don’t how insane this guy was back then. He single-handedly made the support role seem extremely fun to play when everyone else hated it. He inspired a whole generation of Blitzcrank and Thresh players, dubbed as the Hand of God for landing the craziest hooks. If he ever came back to pro play, I’d watch him.
People flamed Pyosik for missing those baron smites in 2022 Worlds Finals, but how many pro ADCs would have sniped it the way Gumayusi did under those same conditions? Many players don’t get the same credentials because they play and win alongside Faker, but Gumayusi is genuinely clutch and should be in the conversation for top 3 of all time, at the very least, after these past two Worlds.
Saintvicious (NA), Ambition (KR), and Flame (KR) are amongst my favorites.
She’s still relatively new but I waste every single Renata W cast on me lol
It’s just too much of a game-changing mechanic for my brain to register. Usually, if a champion dies (barring a few exceptions), they die lol
5 years before Rise, Faker won Worlds… 5 years after Rise, Faker wins Worlds… The passage of time has flown so fast.
We need more donezo manifestos.
Interesting to read that Blaber doesn’t practice. It’s disheartening to read that someone who is in the race for NA GOAT doesn’t care enough to practice. How does he intend to ever win Worlds? Contractz had a far better showing than him.
I hope Licorice finds a team.
Rekaf the King of Demons
TLCK Chovy incoming lol
I’m not a fan of the exaggerated noises that Caedrel makes on stream, but I 200% respect his insight and knowledge of the game. Amongst all costreamers and analysts that I’ve watched, Caedrel’s passion and knowledge for the game is exceptional, at a tier of its own, and I’m glad to have him in the space doing his own thing since his freedom in coverage exceeds the limitations that come with working in a professional broadcast.
If they earn it then they deserve it. No matter what fandom you are a part of, “letting them win” is disingenuous to both teams.
That’s why I’ve never liked watching TF Blade. How can you be a Challenger level player and then cry when you play in Silver elo with Silver teammates who are obviously not playing at a Challenger level lol
I wish I could play her. I think Zoe is extremely chaotic and creative. Unfortunately, she’s too big brain for me, so I mess up every combo.
Azael has been casting LoL for 8 years. Feels like it was just three years ago. Holy shit, I am old
Damn, you’re cookin’ and I’m here for it all
This series will not be determined by the players, no. It will be determined by T1 fans and their faith vs Caedrel’s lol
Are you in NA? Please be in NA. Save us lol
I like that G2 has been transparent with their scrim results. G2 deservedly lost, but the community reaction has definitely been overblown. To say that scrim results don’t matter is disingenuous because quite often, many western teams get blown out in scrims and implode after losing confidence and trust within their own teams. How many times do you hear a player say they can win with empty conviction behind their character? All the time because they are getting gapped in scrims.
I appreciate that G2 are taking their knockout so heavily because it shows just how seriously they believed they would make a deep Worlds run. I think what everyone is not understanding, however, is that G2 didn’t release the scrim results to cry; I think it is much deeper than that. The scrim results were likely released with the intention of showing G2 leadership and investors that this team was not fraudulent and that given another chance in the next season, they will make an even deeper run with a vengeance.
It’s not that I can’t dodge it, I can, but Blitzcrank Hook. Whenever I anticipate it and actually try to dodge it, I always get hooked, but for some reason, when I don’t even try and instead let my subconscious do its own thing, it’s a completely different story. Maybe there’s just brain lag when I’m fully conscious and aware of it lol