Like the title says, I’m new to self hosting world. 😀 while I was researching, I found out that many people dissuaded me to self host email server. Just too complicated and hard to manage. What other services that you think we should just go use the currently available providers in the market and why? 🙂thank you

  • @xerkerB
    18 months ago

    Aside from other stuff mentioned here about email. I always assumed I’d become a target for spam that I’d have a harder time filtering out to the point it stops being worth it to have a custom email address.

    That and I can almost guarantee I would end up screwing up the backup of my inbox and losing everything rending the whole endeavour pointless.

    • @tech2but1B
      18 months ago

      Aside from other stuff mentioned here about email. I always assumed I’d become a target for spam that I’d have a harder time filtering out to the point it stops being worth it to have a custom email address.

      Can’t work out how or why hosting it at home would mean more spam? Your email address gets on a list that gets pulled by spam merchants, hosting it at home doesn’t make any difference here.

      • @xerkerB
        18 months ago

        It’s an assumption, not based on evidence. I’ve never done it and not looked into the software solutions so I assume a FOSS selfhosted email solution wouldn’t have the inbuilt antispam stuff that mainstream providers, say outlook, who host probably millions of email addresses would have.

    • @CheesecaketreeB
      18 months ago

      surprisingly my custom email address gets by far the least amount of spam. I had maybe 20 spam mails over the last year. Meanwhile my gmail address sometimes gets that every single day lol