Hi all, so I’ve somewhat recently started a clothing brand TATYAXVERSE at tatyaxverse.co.uk my problem is I’m getting an okay amount of traffic around 30 people a day for a month or so but no sales.

So I would like to ask if there is something I am doing wrong or missing something? Some constructive criticism would be really appreciated!

  • Man-O-LightB
    10 months ago

    Sorry to say this but this is one of the most common rookie mistakes. The market is oversaturated with clothing brands that have captured the market. When launching a business you need to first do actual market research - any decisions that purely come from “your heart” will cloud your business development. Was this something based on empirical data? What’s the value you are creating? Branding is something that is the very last step of a business cycle - you can’t start with a brand and expect it will sell itself since it is a no-name business! Reading the comments, most people don’t even like the name and yet you already invested in clothing with that label.

    Unless you get some viral celebrities to promote this you’re playing against all odds.

    Fail fast and find a game with odds in your favor. Best of luck with that.