What are your opinions about quickplay? I tried it out for some games. Yes, i find matches faster.

But there’s sooo much trolling going on. Either my botlane is omega toxic and feeds to Northrend or we don’t have a supp at all. Instead the supp picked smite and just goes jungle too? Also there seems to be a higher bot problem since then. Had leveling bots in my games in like 10-20% of the games I played.

I am just confused. My account is level 536 and i’m Emerald, why are there such problems in that queue?

  • FudgeOld6122B
    10 months ago

    What you have to consider is, that this a replacement for Blind pick and you had all the same problems in Blind pick, but add a bunch on top of it.

    People picking weird shit, trolling, being toxic, running it down or ignoring role-distribution and instalocking stuff were everyday life for Blind pick.

    Quickplay solved instalocking, ignoring role-distribution, long queue and matchmaking times and ensures that you definitely get to play the role and the champ that you want, which is great based on what your objective is in playing a game.

    What Quickplay is there for:

    • Practising specific champs/roles/strategies in the least amount of time.
    • Having fun with whacky comps with friends
    • Bronze bravery

    What Quickplay isn’t there for:

    • Competitive games
    • Tryharding
    • Safe & toxicity-free environment

    The problem here is probably the expectation of going into a game and having a great competitive gameplay experience. That completely misses the point of this queue. You have to compare Quickplay to Blind pick and not to Draft pick or ranked queue.

    If you look at it this way Quickplay is a massive improvement.

    • SionIntForWinB
      10 months ago

      nah quickplay is even more tilting than blindpick cause you HAVE TO PICK 2 roles and 2 separate champions…people troll even more in quickplay cause theyre FORCED to fill a priority role