• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023

  • If anyone is toxic to you, just mute the chat and/or the pings (since a large amount of people don’t use their in any way that is constructive), there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    Sadly it is often the case that someone writes something mean or condescending and if you can’t deal with that, then just mute them.

    I can especially advise to just disable the All-Chat in your settings, since it is officially THE MOST USELESS FEATURE in all of league of legends. The only thing that happens in all-chat, are taunts, trolls or flames. There is no constructive conversation happening in all-chat, so there is literally no point in keeping it activated during ranked games.

  • Look I realize that you’re only here to produce drama so I’m gonna leave it after this because you’re not going to get it. But a man can dream so I’m gonna try to explain it very slowly:
    We’re talking about a LoL players name, not about the God of Thunder. This has nothing to do with ancient greece, nor with modern greek culture.

    The only thing that those two things have in common, is the spelling of the name Zeus. It’s a korean wordplay, made by a korean who said himself that he would like to pronounce the name the korean way.

    Therefore professional casters employed by Riot games, are pronouncing the name of the korean player, that is a wordplay of the korean language, in the korean way.

    It’s really not all that hard to understand for people who have half a brain.

    But as I said, you are probably not going to get it, since you are only here to create drama, so this will be my final post in this thread. Have a nice day.

  • It’s very simple actually… Zeus wants his name to be pronounced that way. That’s why casters do it.

    The reason for it being that the korean pronunciation is “Je-woos” which is the inverse of his real name “Woo-je” and he wants his ID to relate to his real name. If you pronounce it Zoos it has nothing to do with his real name anymore.

    That’s the reason. It has nothing to do with cultural appropriation or anything of that bullshit.

  • What you have to consider is, that this a replacement for Blind pick and you had all the same problems in Blind pick, but add a bunch on top of it.

    People picking weird shit, trolling, being toxic, running it down or ignoring role-distribution and instalocking stuff were everyday life for Blind pick.

    Quickplay solved instalocking, ignoring role-distribution, long queue and matchmaking times and ensures that you definitely get to play the role and the champ that you want, which is great based on what your objective is in playing a game.

    What Quickplay is there for:

    • Practising specific champs/roles/strategies in the least amount of time.
    • Having fun with whacky comps with friends
    • Bronze bravery

    What Quickplay isn’t there for:

    • Competitive games
    • Tryharding
    • Safe & toxicity-free environment

    The problem here is probably the expectation of going into a game and having a great competitive gameplay experience. That completely misses the point of this queue. You have to compare Quickplay to Blind pick and not to Draft pick or ranked queue.

    If you look at it this way Quickplay is a massive improvement.

  • First of all, having a perma-slow on a champ like Gnar that has ranged AAs, courtesy of an Item called Frozen mallet, is very different to having a perma-slow by hitting multiple abilities in a row from melee range. With Gnar its just straight toxic because hes ranged, he gets speed up when attacking you and he gets tons of magic damage from his W while doing so. You LITERALLY cant get away, because you are slower, hes faster AND he deals tons of damage while doing so and if you hard-engage he becomes mega.

    Secondly, Ksante does not deal more damage than Mundo unless he ults, which causes him to lose a big chunk of his tankyness and not be a tank anymore but become a full-on bruiser, as which he is SUPPOSED to deal more damage than champs like Mundo.

    Thirdly, its a very big difference being delayed one-shot by Zed’s ult and being slowly drain-tanked by Ksante over 20 or 30 seconds. In Zed’s case he marks and combos you and then disappears, leaving you no chance to do anything to him while you wait for the burst to pop you. This is frustrating. In Ksantes case, he has to permanently stay in melee range to deal damage to you over extended periods of time, giving both you and your team a very fair chance to do something against it.

  • I really liked the champs that released in 2023, but Im generally not one to complain about Champion design. I didn’t mind most of the champs in 2022, although Zeri/Yuumi being perma pick/ban almost 2 years straight in proplay was very boring.

    I kind of like Ksante’s design idea and role he takes in game, although admittedly he was pretty strong for the most part since his release.

    I really liked Renata, Nilah and Bel’veth though absolutely no complaints there. I like their idea and their playstyle and their Niche-roles only being viable in specific positions against specific champs!

    The new champs from 2023 also are really cool. Briar has a very interesting concept and I think it will be interesting to see if she’s every going to be viable in Proplay with her super-smorc playstyle. I feel like Naafiri has become something like the AD Kassadin, being pretty weak early on but getting very powerful the more items she gets. It’s a concept of AD assassin that didn’t exist up to this point that also maybe could be interesting for proplay. Though in general I think Milio is the only champ that I see consistently being viable in proplay because he is a very potent enchanter in all aspects.

    I think in preseason another new champ is set to release and I’m very interested to see what it’s going to be all about.

  • That doesn’t sound like a good solution, since the reason they restricted pings was the way pings were used to be toxic.

    This solution would only be effective if Higher-Elo players were less toxic than lower-elo player which is just simply not the case. I don’t any exact numbers, but there are just about as many toxic players in any elo of play and giving out more possibility to be toxic with pings just because you’re higher elo sounds like a terrible way of handling toxicity.

  • I really do not want double elim anywhere near worlds knock-outs…

    1. There are more than enough second-chances throughout the whole year, since every other tournament has Double-elim and second-chances just take the stakes away from the BO5s making the BO5s in general less exciting.
    2. I agree that I dislike the dead-space in between the games and I agree that it should be filled with something, but not with more matches in a potential losers bracket, but rather with exciting official worlds content. VLOGS, player interviews, Mini-games (i.e like LEC Pop Quiz), because the more time there is in between the matches, the more anticipation is built up for these matches which makes the matches so much more hype! Also the more time there is in between the matches the more time does the Riot content team have to make amazing Teasers like the one we saw for T1 vs. JDG.
    3. Having a losers bracket always means, that the chances of the favourite teams winning worlds becomes higher, because the chances of a lower seeded team to upset a favourite team twice instead of once are just much lower for several reasons. Therefore a lowerbracket would do nothing but make Worlds more predictable and therefore less exiciting.
      With the current format, we almost never had the actual favourite team win worlds which I think helps the excitement of worlds a lot, because the chances of Upset wins are much higher in this format:
      1. In 2017 SSG won (Not the tournament favourite)
      2. In 2018 IG won (Not the tournament favourite)
      3. In 2019 FPX won (Not the tournament favourite)
      4. In 2021 EDG won (They were favourites at the very beginning, but T1 and DK quickly turned the expectations to themselves)
      5. In 2022 DRX won (KR 4th seed out of Play-ins)

    In conclusion I will say, I don’t think double elimination would improve worlds. It would definitely change it, but I think its more likely to just end up as the less exciting tournament than before, because so many series lose their stakes, many matchups are going to be played multiple times over and over and in the end, the tournament-favourite always wins with double-elim, because they get undeserved second-chances which they will use to their advantage.