Hello! I’ve got myself some atmosphere gray AJ1 and Tightbooth SB dunks, which both feature suede (more so with the Tightbooths). I hear suede gets damaged by water, so is it a good idea to add something to waterproof them? I’ve heard there are certain sprays I can use, but does anyone know if they actually work or if it’s worth doing? Does the spray itself change the suede at all? And should I just spray the suede parts or all the leather on the shoe? Thanks for the help!
I wish I won the tightbooths off SNKRS. Sadly, I didn’t but I liked them so much I decided to buy them off goat. Put an offer up and managed to snag them for only $30 over retail. Thanks for the help! I might spray the tightbooths just in case, but I probably won’t for the atmospheres as there is barely any suede in the first place.
I’ve been sooo tempted to just buy them for whatever, but I’ve only seen like $200+ and I just can’t justify it 😂 Glad to help!! There’s a little chemical smell, but that’s hard to prevent completely. It’s the nature of the beast lol. But I don’t remember there being any lasting odor.