• aRorschachTestB
    10 months ago

    Valkyrie - remove D50, gains P10C

    Azami - decreased barriers to 3, spawns with all barrier available.

    Angled Grip - removal of ADS speed decrease, now angled grip aids in horizontal recoil control

    Laser sight - buff on all weapons (excluding shotguns)

    Handgun Red dot sight - Added as an option to 5.7USG, PRB92, GSH18, P12, P9, MK1 9MM, SDP 9MM. Damage increase for P10C / RG15

    Solis - decrease in SPEC-IO range. Removal of SMG 11, gains 1911 TACOPS

    Zero - SC3000K damage decreased to 37, SC3000K Rate of fire increased to 855, SC3000K magazine increased to 35, MP7 & SC3000K gain optics up to 2.5x. Added passive silent step with secondary in hand (ie gonne 6 / 5.7 USG), removal of Argus laser, decrease in audio of Argus camera (firing from Argus launcher, deployment, mild audio decrease for piercing), Argus cams can now be picked back up if they haven’t pierced a surface, added impact EMPS.

    Blackbeard - MK17 increased damage to 46.

    Mozzie - loses P10 Roni 1.5

    Dokkaebi - loses SMG12

    Mute - gains 1.5x on MP5K

    Melusi - gains 1.5x on MP5

    Fenrir - loses ballif, loses 1 F-Natt code, active fenrir mines make audio similar to nomad.

    AK74M - Damage increased to 48, added vertical grip.

    Kali - access to more scope options on CSRX 300,

    Alibi - Primsa reflects skin. (They say they can’t due to technical limitations, but if Siege 2 is brought up they’ll say they have the technology to do whatever they want)

    Twitch - F2 gains vertical grip, F2 loses 1.5x sight.

    IQ - add emp impacts as an option

    AR33 - magazine increase to 30

    Glaz - OTS-03 damage increase to 78

    Tachanka - DP27 damage decrease to 55, incendiary grenade damage increase. Change the reload animation Ubi.

    Ace - gains 1 SELMA charge from 3 to 4. SELMA charge now no longer fold down.

    Nokk - removal of frag grenades, removal of D50, gains C8SFW, gains impact EMPS, added silent step passive for secondary weapons (5.7USG). I remind you there was a time when Nokk was terrible.

    Clash - removal of taser from riot shield, can now deploy shield on floor (same as deployable shield), shield is now a portable Black mirror. Maintains current weaknesses, when shield is deployed can be glass shattered same as Mira. EMPs disable black mirror.

    Oryx - removal of damage when dashing through a wall

    Lesion - removal of super shorty. It was fun, but he already brings enough.

    Sens - marker to show how his walls will deploy, mild increase to thickness of walls.

    Frag grenades - can be cooked, no longer destroy bulletproof until (does trigger glass shatter where applicable), decrease damage through floors.

    Zofia - M762 recoil change, the weapon doesn’t have a lot of recoil but it fells awful to use. It’s the entire reason I don’t play Zo often.

    Warden - loses MPX, gains commando 9 (no 1.5x)

    Maverick - gains gonne 6

    Ram - loses flashbangs, gains claymores.