PSV is de eerste topclub waar een meisje meetraint met de jongens. De 9-jarige Liz Mathijssen volgt een maatwerktraject bij PSV Academy, waar ze zich kan ontwikkelen onder de hoogst mogelijke weerstand. Een grote mijlpaal voor het vrouwenvoetbal binnen en buiten de club.
Well now the boys will try to play with even more intensity to impress her. Guess people will see a 8 year old doing bicycle kicks at the academy. Win win for both the boys and girls.
As a guy whose team lost 33-1 or something (forgot the exact scoreline) in a match I played as a CB with the girl I like in the audience… how can I delete someone else’s comment?
Well now the boys will try to play with even more intensity to impress her. Guess people will see a 8 year old doing bicycle kicks at the academy. Win win for both the boys and girls.
As a guy whose team lost 33-1 or something (forgot the exact scoreline) in a match I played as a CB with the girl I like in the audience… how can I delete someone else’s comment?