fyi, dennis shooting 39% from 3 vs Fred at 36% and also higher efficiency overall

  • lillithfair98B
    10 months ago

    There are a few things Fred is objectively better at, and a few things Dennis is objectively better at. If you add those things up I do think Fred ends up being a more valuable player (WHEN HE’S PLAYING WELL). Like, Fred is not shooting particuarly well so far this season, similar to his start last year, and even then the advanced metrics basically peg him as about equally valuable to winning as Dennis. When his three point shot is going, especially off the bounce, he just as a combined package has more little ways to contributing to winning than Dennis, who derives almost all his value from the offensive end so if he isn’t scoring he really isn’t contributing elsewhere.

    Fred is better at:

    - passing AND not turning it over

    - shooting the three, particularly off the dribble (one of the specifically most valuable offensive shots in basketball)

    - defence

    Dennis is better at:

    - pressuring the rim

    - pick and roll pocket passes

    - floater game