I had recently discovered this with Hanzo. One week I’m absolute garbage dogshit with him but ever since a few days back? Landing headshots like Mike Tyson throwing haymakers. I’ve been playing Overwatch since 2016, and Hanzo’s always been the one character I could never nail down but it feels like I finally have the gift

I just ranked up 3 tiers in one day off Hanzo alone, this is nuts. I keep this up and I’ll be back in Diamond (first time since 2019), I’m losing my shit

    10 months ago

    Just about every character I switch to. Seems I’m best with them the first day I use them. Hanzo was one of them, everyone hated Hanzo’s on your team back in the day because he was “bad” and I used to POP on him. Played him, eventually got bad. Happened with Doom too, he was like a high skill ceiling feeding hero from what I was told. Popped with him and mained him extremely long. Pretty much repeat that with every character except Widowmaker, Echo, and Ashe. Eventually it feels like I get worse with them.

    Most recent one would be Tracer. Went from Masters to GM in a week playing her. Was absolutely insane on her and have never touched her before that (and actually tried to be good with her)