I had recently discovered this with Hanzo. One week I’m absolute garbage dogshit with him but ever since a few days back? Landing headshots like Mike Tyson throwing haymakers. I’ve been playing Overwatch since 2016, and Hanzo’s always been the one character I could never nail down but it feels like I finally have the gift

I just ranked up 3 tiers in one day off Hanzo alone, this is nuts. I keep this up and I’ll be back in Diamond (first time since 2019), I’m losing my shit

  • JengaPlayerB
    10 months ago

    I realized that if you just really practice focusing on your opponents figure and your crosshair staying together its easier to be effective on most characters.

    I know that sounds dumb but it takes a lot of focus to just focus on their figures and not the things that can cloud your focus on the figures. All the colors, elements, objects can sometimes make it difficult to focus on the figures themselves. Its like my eyes get lazy.

    But if I intently focus on the figures it improved my aim.