Most games I play, specially sandboxes (don’t starve together, stardew valley, terraria), end up having a community guide for optimal play. I can’t seem to find one for Minecraft through google, even being as big as it is.

By optimal play/min-maxing I mean being as efficient as possible for reaching your goals in the game (for Minecraft, the two main goals despite just building/enjoying your world are beating the ender dragon + finding an elytra and completing full enchanted netherite gear. Differently from speedrunning, it’s not about saving time, routing or simply reachung the goal. It’s about playing a normal playthrough in the “best”, most optimized way.

I’m an experienced player, but a lot of times, while I’m playing, I’m wondering if what I’m doing is the most optimal way. “Should I really be digging this tunnel?” “Am I losing time building this farm?” “Couldn’t I get diamond gear faster”? “Is fishing worth spending time in”?

I really wish to become a better player, but there are some things I just can’t figure out on my own. I wish I had a resource I could look into so that I could know for sure what’s truly the best way.

  • Victoonix358OPB
    10 months ago

    Yeah, you got it right. Just wish there was a detailed guide on it like other games communities do.

    If for say, your maxed armor strat was actually the most optimal method (which it could be), the supposed optimal play guide would detail stuff like:

    -how to find bastions the most optimal way -how much gold you need, where to get it quicker -what equipment to have before trying to loot a bastion -how to optimally avoid/fight bastion mobs and reach loot chests, for each different bastion type -around how many bastions you’re expected to loot before maxing your netherite gear

    Maybe I’ll study and experiment with this myself and write my own optimal play guide somewhere sometime.