I’m trying to get out of emerald elo and its pathetic how many random fights break in for no reason… we have no vision, nor know where the enemy mid or jungle is, lets force a fight! How do you deal with this crap… so many times one laner will go and do a stupid play costing us the dragon or baron.
I don’t care. I have played thousands of games like these so at this point there’s no emotional reaction, I just play my best and ff&go next when there’s no point in playing till the end.
Statistically, if you play enough games you’ll climb if you’re consistently better than your elo because you’re the only common denominator in your games.
FF next is not an option… you know how stubborn emerald players are refusing to let go of games even though they know they are lost. Most of my lost games that were decided around the 15 minute mark stretch to 30.
Your mindset is good but when you’re down 3 inhibs with no turrets taken by your team… that’s “ff and go next” time.