Yoooo,in the stage of pro League of Legends, it’s all about having the best and synergized meta comps. The meta’s got its rules, but sometimes, players drop bombshells with offbeat champ choices. These unexpected picks shake things up, throwing curveballs into the game and keeping everyone hyped.

When pros pull out those off meta picks, it’s next-level awesome. Picture this: a support champ strutting into an off-role, or a totally bizarre jungle pick that actually works! These out-of-the-blue choices leave us gobsmacked, sparking debates and making matches crazier. Which off-meta pick in pro play blew your mind? Mind sharing a few of your memories? I really like finding unique and pretty cool pro-play matches these past days. They’re pretty freakin entertaining to watch. Next level awesome.

  • babyFucciB
    10 months ago

    as a rengar otp sofms rengar sent me

    but in general the ashe/mf/zyra meta came out of fucking nowhere, went against all of our preconceptions about all 3 of them and created a playstyle that t1 just used to smurf every draft and win worlds

    shoutout pray and gorilla