I’ve been wondering, with all the talk about dislike of tanks in toplane currently, what champions do people actually like to play against in toplane?

Because as it is, people don’t like the juggernauts like Darius/Garen/Illaoi etc.

They dont like skirmishers like Camille/Fiora/Jax

They don’t like tanks like Ornn/K’Sante/Sion

They don’t like divers like Irelia/Olaf/Pantheon

And they don’t like ranged champs like Quinn/Akshan/Vayne

So what’s left? What do you guys like playing against or having on your team? And what champion class would you like to be the strongest one?

Sincerely a toplaner

  • Jhomas-TeffersonB
    1 year ago

    Yeah i play teemo, so I like all the champions except for pure cheese stuff aimed at countering me toplane, like senna, who just wins every trade because of equal or better range and a heal and slow on q which prevents me from just extending the trade to win it.

    Most people hate vayne because she’s an absurdly strong champ in a 1v1. She has an old yas complex where how well you do against her tends to be tied to how good she is, and not how good you are. Akshan is similar. Both champs can also be very behind and then all of a sudden just pop off. Akshan in particular has a situation come up where his team loses a fight, then he sweeps in and gets two kills and then his whole team is back up, removing most of the reward for getting kills lategame - having time to push objectives. Quinn isn’t really a problem but when she gets fed she’s just oppressive. Ranged gets hate because it gets seen as “cheap” and is unfun for some melees. However, most melees besides garen have ways to positively interact with ranged champs.

    The tanks you mentioned are just overtuned. People don’t mind going against or having a malphite or mao kai, for instance.

    The skirmishers you mentioneed aren’t even that bad. Fiora is just problematic for some champs with telegraphed cc because she parries it and then shits on them. Cam is unfun to play against because if she holds her e she is literally unkillable. And into certain matchups jax can just steamroll, which is problematic because he also scales very hard and that scaling is kind of multiplied by him having a very easy time dealing with adcs.

    For juggernauts, people don’t mind darius and garen on the enemy team. They sometimes don’t like them on their team because they don’t offer as much as other tanks, namely hard cc. People don’t like illaoi because if she gets a good ult off she can just 1v5 despite not even being fed, which a lot of people see as bullshit.

    Irellia is more a skirmisher than a diver, but she does dive the backline. She has a playstyle a little more in line with cam, fiora and riven, but she also has good backline access, so she dives as much as she skirmishes. Olaf is also more of a skirmisher type. Divers, true divers, tend to be more like assassins or people with a 1 way dash to get them to the backline like xin xhao, nocturne or rengar. Olaf just kind of hits q on a backline, goes cc immune, and runs at the backline. Mundo is kind of similar to this. Divers aren’t liked because they aren’t frontline.

    Basically, people want a toplaner who is good frontline and who can also 1v1 anyone and who can also splitpush really well. Ranged champs generally don’t frontline. Tanks usually can’t 1v1 juggernauts, bruisers and fighters in extended fights, divers are basically more beefy assassins, Skirmishers can split and 1v1 but they aren’t the greatest frontline. People want it all.