Yes. Both are mobas, but in terms of who has the moba market, League definitely has way more of the market than dota. I wasn’t saying dota wanted to become a league clone.
Yes. Both are mobas, but in terms of who has the moba market, League definitely has way more of the market than dota. I wasn’t saying dota wanted to become a league clone.
This. CS is an FPS. FPS’s have easily transferable skills. There will always be the next biggest fps, whether its cod, bf, moh or cs. Dota wants to be what league is. OW failed. I know people who played it from the start(my boyfriend of a decade, who i play it with still) and they say its a shadow of it’s former self when it was huge. Fortnight dropped off. It couldnt strike the building balance and just chose to remove building as a game mode when it should have just made it so rapid fire could punch through someone spam building.
he would be in the top 50 in the world for full ap malphite top.
Yeah i play teemo, so I like all the champions except for pure cheese stuff aimed at countering me toplane, like senna, who just wins every trade because of equal or better range and a heal and slow on q which prevents me from just extending the trade to win it.
Most people hate vayne because she’s an absurdly strong champ in a 1v1. She has an old yas complex where how well you do against her tends to be tied to how good she is, and not how good you are. Akshan is similar. Both champs can also be very behind and then all of a sudden just pop off. Akshan in particular has a situation come up where his team loses a fight, then he sweeps in and gets two kills and then his whole team is back up, removing most of the reward for getting kills lategame - having time to push objectives. Quinn isn’t really a problem but when she gets fed she’s just oppressive. Ranged gets hate because it gets seen as “cheap” and is unfun for some melees. However, most melees besides garen have ways to positively interact with ranged champs.
The tanks you mentioned are just overtuned. People don’t mind going against or having a malphite or mao kai, for instance.
The skirmishers you mentioneed aren’t even that bad. Fiora is just problematic for some champs with telegraphed cc because she parries it and then shits on them. Cam is unfun to play against because if she holds her e she is literally unkillable. And into certain matchups jax can just steamroll, which is problematic because he also scales very hard and that scaling is kind of multiplied by him having a very easy time dealing with adcs.
For juggernauts, people don’t mind darius and garen on the enemy team. They sometimes don’t like them on their team because they don’t offer as much as other tanks, namely hard cc. People don’t like illaoi because if she gets a good ult off she can just 1v5 despite not even being fed, which a lot of people see as bullshit.
Irellia is more a skirmisher than a diver, but she does dive the backline. She has a playstyle a little more in line with cam, fiora and riven, but she also has good backline access, so she dives as much as she skirmishes. Olaf is also more of a skirmisher type. Divers, true divers, tend to be more like assassins or people with a 1 way dash to get them to the backline like xin xhao, nocturne or rengar. Olaf just kind of hits q on a backline, goes cc immune, and runs at the backline. Mundo is kind of similar to this. Divers aren’t liked because they aren’t frontline.
Basically, people want a toplaner who is good frontline and who can also 1v1 anyone and who can also splitpush really well. Ranged champs generally don’t frontline. Tanks usually can’t 1v1 juggernauts, bruisers and fighters in extended fights, divers are basically more beefy assassins, Skirmishers can split and 1v1 but they aren’t the greatest frontline. People want it all.
as a teemo enjoyer, my problem with hullbreaker is entirely that it gives 5% ms. That is just ridiculous. Remove enemy kiting power, increase your chase power, and increase your escape power on top of just getting better stats that increase overall 1v1 power and which make your splitpush being stronger.
If they made it build out of kindlegem or giants belt and removed the MS, i would be fine with it.
Velkoz mains are a joke compared to teemo mains. You want to talk about ignored? He’s ignored. I’m a teemo main. He’s awful right now. The only reason i play him is because he is my most comfortable champ, but in games where i don’t feel like i need him because the matchup isn’t awful, i tend to do really well on other champs for a former teemo otp that’s just doing something different. I’m not sure what he needs, but the main problem that i have is, no matter how well i play, there are a plethora of champs who can just 1v1 me despite me being up levels and farm. My reason for thinking like this is how well i do on champs that aren’t teemo when i get ahead.
I think “being biased” is not inherently disqualifying, though. Since a bias is unavoidable, saying “you have a bias so your ideas are bad” is no different than saying “you’re a human being so your ideas are bad.”
However, i will note that they don’t straight up ignore mains. They put out that idea about teemo being reworked where his e or w becomes a flatly worse version of twitch q and his e moves to his passive and stuff like that. It was bad because it had a self slow and became camo instead of invis so it could not even be used as an escape tool like twitch q, much less a chase tool. His mains, me among them, rightly called out how that just made his stealthing absolutely shit and removed a lot of skill expression from a kit that has almost none besides kiting mechanics. Riot, to their credit, listened, and that has not gone unappreciated by me.
Teemo becomes a monster when he pops out of stealth and is on you.
Sorcs is not ideal on teemo following the durability patch update. I think swifties or zerkers are generally better unless they have a teamcomp for a resistance boot or genuinely no tanks and aren’t building MR, in which cases sorcs becomes just ok.
Karma top. Even into people who can engage on her, like darius, cam, renekton, irellia, and riven, Karma can shield, empowered w and then walk away, usually. She can be built full ap, ap bruiser, or tank.
Teemo supp, mid, and jg. On hit teemo, Tank teemo, assassin teemo(ap and ad, into some teamcomps. AP assassin- ludens, lich, nashors, rabadons- works well into adc and mage type squishies, ad assassin works well into melee non-tanks, like Riven top, Yi jg, Talon mid, Vayne adc and pyke supp)
Cocaine mundo is still kinda fun. Borderline viable.
His clear is also really good after the first one. The first one is a tiny bit slow but he can still get to scuttle shortly after it spawns.
In fact, full AD teams are not an automatic loss against teams with a tank like full AP teams are. Full AD teams are supposed to have a very hard time unless the opponent has no tanks to take advantage of your team having poorly balanced types of damage. But thanks to the multiple ways to bypass armor we have nowadays, this is not the case.
Yeah, there is just way too much pen and built in %hp damage these days. Combine that with built in armor shred and you can have virtually no armor vs, say, a kogmaw with guinsoos, Bork, and LDR if he hits q on you. Kog is an extreme case i suppose with the %hp damages and having shred on q, but the point stands. For instance, shaco with eclipse, bork, LDR, Prowler’s and Cleaver(which is all a good build except for cleaver, which is just ok), basically takes all your armor away. 20% armor pen on eclipse,+30% from ldr, then 30% of the remainder being shredded by cleaver, combined with like, 36 lethality. I’m not saying i can assassinate tanks, but if one is pushing by themselves, i can easily put them to half health with shaco. I can assassinate them from about half hp, doing an absurd amount of damage just in the hail of blades window.
Zzrot, no doubt.
I have played for a decade. Teemo has been my favorite champ since 2014. DFG teemo was cheesy, but zzrot teemo was downright unfair.
However, I will add BotRK. It is, and for much of its history has been, the strongest single item power spike. There have been points where it was not, but it generally has been.