• TheKingChambersB
    1 年前

    Operator Changes:

    Ram Nerf: Remove Flashes and add Claymores Reason- The BUGI is loud, meaning a combo of flashes and a bugi means a free plant or free kills, this is very strong currently and claymores reduces chances of getting flanked while the loud bugi’s are in use

    Fenrir Nerf : Remove Bailiff Reason- Currently, having the MP7 and the Bailiff for sight setup if really strong, instead give him a basic pistol

    Solis Nerf: Remove Impacts and add Barbed Wire Reason- This greatly reduces her ability for vertical play and over a good nerf without making harsh gadget changes

    Grim Buff: Add a visual “Stun” effect to the bees. The longer you stay in the bees, the more they cloud your sight Reason- Grim is highly underplayed and while the enemies are getting Pinged, they can still push through the Bees completely unharmed unlike Nomad or Capitao

    Sens Buff: Buff Gun Damage to 42 with extended barrel and 40 without it Reason- Her gun is very underwelming even with the recoil nerf

    Azami Nerf: Stacking Kiba’s break the first one and remove the vaulting promp Reason- While a sad buff, it prevents most OP pixel peaks, unkillable angles, and unexpected camping locations

    Thunderbird Buff: Thunderbird can place a Kona while downed Reason- While the placement timer and everything is the same, this just gives thunderbird an incentive to play the game and not sit on her Kona’s while also gaining the self-fighting power of Doc currently. While she only comes up at 20 HP it still keeps her in the fight

    Melusi Buff: Added 1.5 Scope to the MP5 Reason- She’s a three health

    Oryx Quality of Life Buff: Dashes can be chained for quicker movement and turning corners Reason- Gives players move reason to play him while not making him or his kit OP

    Kali Buff: Add the 1.5 to the SPSMG9 Reason- While Kali is a good operator for dealing with bandit or holding far angles, she can’t really break certain Kaid Claw Placements nor is she good or played on MANY maps because of her sniper being a ranged gun. Adding the 1.5 would not only increase her viability close range but also her pickrate and peoples confidence with her kit

    Nøkk Buff: Return Silent Step while walking Reason- To Prevent and unscannable and unhearable Nøkk from Acing before you know she’s there, she’s slowed down by the fact that she has to walk to not be noticed by cams or other players

    Warden Buff/Nerf: Warden gets an “Active threat highlight” scan. When his gadget is activated he gets a thermal vision scan that displays operators vitals. Removes the MPX from wardens loadout and adds the Alda with the 1.5 (He keeps the MPX running animation of course) Reason- Currently, Wardens an operator specialty of wardens is “Intel” however other than scans through smoke, what intel does he bring? Right now he’s a selfish operator, having the ability to tell your team how low somebody is or how many airjabs nomad has would be an insane team based ability.

    Mozzie Quality of Life Buff: Captured Mozzie Drones cannot be destroyed by teammates for the first 5 seconds of being captured and get a warning when shooting at it. Reason- As a mozzie player, i have pests wasted every game because of teammates shooting my drones

    Maestro Buff: Heavily increase ALDA recoil and give him the 1.5 and 2x scopes Reason- Most Maestros will sit somewhere checking cams and coming either back to sit or taking a ranged gunfight on somebody you saw on cams will be much easier with ranged scopes

    Alibi Buff: Make her a 2-2, Add crouch and lean configurations, as well as make her Prisma’s copy her current skin Reason- This should’ve been on release

    Zofia Buff: Reduce “Bouncy Recoil” on her AR Reason- Zofia’s AR is a pain on console, its controllable, just mildly annoying. Just reduced bounce or jumpiness

    Ela Buff: Reduce Scorpion Recoil Reason: Like her sister, Ela’s recoil is mildly annoying, controllable, just annoying

    Ying Nerf: Reduce Candella’s to 3 Reason- Theres no good reason as to why she has 4 Flashes that are unavoidable sometimes

    Jackal Nerf: Make his ability on a timer and remove the secondary shotgun Reason: Currently Jackal is permabanned and played when he isn’t. Reducing his ability to scan and his ability to soft breach and create lines of sight would be great

    Caviera Buff: Give her the 1.5 Reason- Cav currently has to take multiple ranged gunfights a game by flanking or coming back to sight in a 1v5, the 1.5 will greatly help her

    Massive Blackbeard Buff: Give him Cav’s interrogate, Add a third shield, Increase His AR’s fire rate to either 650 or 700 Reason- Currently, Blackbeard is known as “One of the worst OPs in the game” Giving him a third shield lets him take more fights and having the interrogate allows him to roam or flank watch for his teammates bringing more support, viability, and reason to play him while not making his shield too OP like old Blackbeard. Plus the fire rate buff for quicker peaking and a higher chance of headshots.

    Frost Buff: Make her mats take 4-5 shots, No matter whether your teammate or yourself revives you, you still have the debuff and the cripple walk Reason- We’ve all done it. Look down and shoot a frost mat, Tap Tap Keep going, if you know theres a frost then any rank above silver won’t be tricking anybody with even a well placed mat. These buffs reduce there chance of getting destroyed and increase the severity of hitting a mat

    Sledge Nerf: Remove his gun, Remove His ability, Remove his nades. (This is a joke)

    Jäger: Give him the 1.5

    Secondary Gadgets:

    Frag Grenades- Keep “Cooking” however you cannot cook a nade to the point where it detonates on impact. It MUST roll/bounce before it explodes

    Flash Grenades- Add Frag Grenade Cooking System

    Smoke Grenades- Can be held to smoke around yourself

    Deployable shields- Increase Glass Width for better visiblility