I’ve been wondering, with all the talk about dislike of tanks in toplane currently, what champions do people actually like to play against in toplane?

Because as it is, people don’t like the juggernauts like Darius/Garen/Illaoi etc.

They dont like skirmishers like Camille/Fiora/Jax

They don’t like tanks like Ornn/K’Sante/Sion

They don’t like divers like Irelia/Olaf/Pantheon

And they don’t like ranged champs like Quinn/Akshan/Vayne

So what’s left? What do you guys like playing against or having on your team? And what champion class would you like to be the strongest one?

Sincerely a toplaner

  • FernanixB
    1 年前

    Wrong. If you play top and you play melee you dislike the following: Range cancer champs (eg. Quinn) which is just not really fun to play against as 99% of melee champs. Hurr hurr I don’t want to play league I want to farm champs. Like nasus you say? No. Nasus is fine. Sion on the other hand, hehe proxy take farm and run away all game then hehe take tower.

    Are these champs/strats op? No. Are they boring to play vs? Yes.

    Anything else is more of a “id rather not play as X vs Y since they are favoured” where you are going to have a hard time winning or you need to adapt your platstyle/build and it makes things awkward but often is playable and will not produce cancer.