You need to stagger w+q so that he w’s you while doing q animation.
Wrong. If you play top and you play melee you dislike the following: Range cancer champs (eg. Quinn) which is just not really fun to play against as 99% of melee champs. Hurr hurr I don’t want to play league I want to farm champs. Like nasus you say? No. Nasus is fine. Sion on the other hand, hehe proxy take farm and run away all game then hehe take tower.
Are these champs/strats op? No. Are they boring to play vs? Yes.
Anything else is more of a “id rather not play as X vs Y since they are favoured” where you are going to have a hard time winning or you need to adapt your platstyle/build and it makes things awkward but often is playable and will not produce cancer.
Ghostrunner and Speedrunners. There is a big gap between being comfortable with the controls and actually mastering them.
Why does the fountain take so long to heal though. Its not like backing is instant, you channel and wait only to wait some more. I dont think buffing fountain heal speed would make anything too op, especially since deaths get homeguard aswell as instant full hp.
Man buying the hail of blades item must have been pretty op. /S
Well when ekko upgrades his time stuff he travels back in time to set the zohnyas creation in motion so its ready for when he arrives on the rift. Right?
Renekton Q also heals health if used with fury. And its instant. And it has no outer edge. And it doesnt apply bleed. Idk
Revive should be a channel that is interrupted by hard cc imo (like teleport)
I think the hack and slash genre as a whole is what you are looking for.
Why would it be so hard? People that would win would rise quickly and people that lose would stay longer. Im not saying everyones rank would reset to bronze at league start its only fresh accs that start there. I guess you mean that because a lot of fresh accs are smurfs?
Perfect assuming it hits everyone its probably orianna. Grouping everyone up sets the rest of your team up for perfect abilities too meaning realistically you get everyone else hitting “perfect”.