Anyone ever notice that System76 hides their parts list?

They publish all this stuff on how to repair their gear, cool.

But with out parts lists, this information might as well not exist

If system76 truly supported user freedom, they would allow customers to attempt to source their own parts. Even if the parts could not be bought on the open market, listing the part #s is still a huge part of user freedom.

Anyone else get a bad vibe from system76’s complete lack of part #s?

  • No-Trip-3736OPB
    10 months ago

    We are a very small company. About 60 people. We do as much as we can. Not very many people have asked for a part list. Which is why it’s not there. There’s also a lot that changes too often for one person to keep up with. (Yes, it’s mainly one person who does the tech docs from what I know) We change GPU SKUs all the time for an example.

    1. A production model should NEVER CHANGE. If a Gaze16 is having “parts swapped out all the time” then it is no longer a Gaze16, and you must update your model #s to reflect the chips and parts used in the laptop are different. It will make repair almost impossible if we are sold a Gaze16 that could have “randomly different parts” – This is unacceptable if you really “We change GPU SKUs all the time for an example” – If you change the GPU SKUs your marketing and support information must reflect this

    2. According tho system76’s own website: “The freedom to truly own a computer you purchased, and upgrade or repair it yourself” - How does hiding the part list give me the power to “upgrade or repair” my computer myself? If I have to reach out to support for every little upgrade or repair, this feels like I am locked in to depending on your service desk for a repair. Which is not what system76 advertises on their own website: - This feels like false advertising. If I am to truly repair and own my own computer, the least you could do is tell me what you put inside it.

    3. The “tech-docs” you link contain no part numbers. What use is documentation if I have no clue what part numbers to buy? I saw those before I bought my laptop, and I feel like I was tricked into thinking part #s would listed if the repair process was. This feels a bit dishonest.