Worlds 2023 is over and Power Spike is here to give in-depth analysis on the Finals between T1 and Weibo, as well as where Faker's legacy stands after emergi...
Monte just want to prove he is right so bad, he had this opinion that teams should ban Faker since forever and WBG did and he was still better than Xiaohu but somehow he gets flamed for 1 bad Ahri game ignoring that no Midlaner has looked good on more than 2 champs this tournament except Faker but you know Xiaohu picked Ahri against Mad and won (he got shit on by Nisqy btw) so it means he has a bigger champ pool than Faker lmao.
Monte just want to prove he is right so bad, he had this opinion that teams should ban Faker since forever and WBG did and he was still better than Xiaohu but somehow he gets flamed for 1 bad Ahri game ignoring that no Midlaner has looked good on more than 2 champs this tournament except Faker but you know Xiaohu picked Ahri against Mad and won (he got shit on by Nisqy btw) so it means he has a bigger champ pool than Faker lmao.