Apparently the coaching staff was endorsed by the players, Canyon might have recommended Kim.
Apparently the coaching staff was endorsed by the players, Canyon might have recommended Kim.
OP’s account is a month old and ofc I have never seen his name before or a similar one in an LCK thread but sadly people like Dom will take him as the representation of T1 fans opinion.
I think Gala is a tier below because he doesn’t have as big of a champ pool as these 3.
idc about this Tarzan play and tbh he just inted but Dom said that Faker was only slightly better than Knight in the JDG series (Faker was way better btw) while when Faker loses a series, he makes a 20 minute rant about how bad Faker is, he even criticized Faker builds in the Finals last year, guess what? he never talked about Knight builds this series, there’s no way you watch Dom and don’t realize he just hates Faker and extremely biased against him.
I barely watch Thorin but when I do, I just skip most of his parts, I’m usually way more interested in the guests.
Guma and Zeus were the most consistent on T1, Oner was actually the worst player on the team last split.
Because of his role, support players get paid less than other roles.
Yagao would be fine if they signed a carry toplaner, now either that toplaner is cracked or Ruler has to 1v9.
People just ignore that T1 doesn’t play around Guma, even this Worlds they didn’t play around him, in this meta they could win through any lane which is what they thrive at, you even see it in teamfights where T1’s topside is focused on killing the enemy backline and Guma only has Keria to peel for him.
BLG beat GENG not Yagao, Yagao got carried that series, Bin and Xun were the deciding factors, Chovy was kind of average that series but Yagao was just worse.
Monte just want to prove he is right so bad, he had this opinion that teams should ban Faker since forever and WBG did and he was still better than Xiaohu but somehow he gets flamed for 1 bad Ahri game ignoring that no Midlaner has looked good on more than 2 champs this tournament except Faker but you know Xiaohu picked Ahri against Mad and won (he got shit on by Nisqy btw) so it means he has a bigger champ pool than Faker lmao.
Canyon is a completely different player compared to Peanut, they are basically the opposite also idk who is their shotcaller which could be a problem but on a paper this roster and T1 are the frontrunners for LCK next year.
That’s cope, with MSI and Worlds results this year it’s clearly T1 > LPL > LCK, overall LPL was better than LCK but T1 was better than LPL.
T1 singlehandedly carrying redside winrate.
Guma said he would re-sign if T1 wins worlds.
It’s still so funny to me that Mikyx was rated over Keria before Worlds.
Oner has been amazing this worlds what a redemption for him.
Flame horizon top twice lmao.
T1 full early game, they have to hard win the early game, don’t like it that much.
Upvotes don’t necessarily mean agreement.