Player salaries are so inflated that even if the player performs it’s probably not worth it, but some players have incredible agents which has lead to some insane signings.

Swordart to TSM for 6 mil still boggles my mind. No matter what angle you look at it, it makes no sense, except if someone was intentionally trying to sink the org.

TL Pyosik is another more recent one. Not nearly egregious but idk how there are people that get paid to make decisions like these.

I also wouldn’t be surprised if HLE’s owners don’t watch any League of Legends. They’re actually one of the richest orgs but year after year they put together the most frustrating rosters.

  • lolmihirB
    1 年前

    I perma say SwordArt when this question is asked, there might be players that disappointed more (CLG Crown, FLY VicLA, etc…) but even with those imports it made sense on why you would take a chance on them. With SwordArt there was close to nothing I saw that would ever warrant the price tag (It’s actually 2.5x KERIA’s curren salary). Even Pyosik to TL had moments such as Summer playoffs or his performance at Worlds but SwordArt was just ass the whole time he was in NA.