Anyone ever notice that System76 hides their parts list?

They publish all this stuff on how to repair their gear, cool.

But with out parts lists, this information might as well not exist

If system76 truly supported user freedom, they would allow customers to attempt to source their own parts. Even if the parts could not be bought on the open market, listing the part #s is still a huge part of user freedom.

Anyone else get a bad vibe from system76’s complete lack of part #s?

  • No-Trip-3736OPB
    10 months ago

    I only bought from System76 because they claim to be open. Per their own about page: “The freedom to truly own a computer you purchased, and upgrade or repair it yourself”
    It is a smack in the face to find out that they do not practice what they preach

    Even Lenovo, one of the most non-free laptops on the market… Puts their part numbers on their website

    The real question here is, why are you defending System76 as a fan boy… When they are less open than Lenovo