I cannot wait for the changes to go live, but I am a bit concerned that making the pre-season pbe only will lead to a lot of buggs or game breaking interactions that just won’t be found.

I’ve played a few games on pbe now, and i can no longer bring myself to play one more, mainly due to the quality of the games.

In 10 games I had 2 games that you could actually call “playable”, the other 8 games either had afks or the usual suspects, and I haven’t even included the remakes in this sample.

I might have gotten unlucky, but if the whole preseason is tested this way we’re going to have one hell of an awakening as soon as it goes live.

  • erobihopeudyeurhairB
    10 months ago

    I like chaos. I think its good that first split of the season people will go a bit blind in since theres 3 splits now.