I usually go the goto Renekton Build with Goredrinker and companions, but in times of dire needs (like a Vladimir toplane) i whip out good ol’ Assassin Renekton with BotrK and Eclipse and watch hp bars crumble with a single rage w.
I usually go the goto Renekton Build with Goredrinker and companions, but in times of dire needs (like a Vladimir toplane) i whip out good ol’ Assassin Renekton with BotrK and Eclipse and watch hp bars crumble with a single rage w.
If I get hit by an ash arrow every 10 seconds I won’t care if its Ranked or Normals, i would still stop playing after that.
I would disagree. Preseason was always the point in time where all of my friends returned to the game to check out the new changes. For the rest of the year we rarely manage to fill a 5 man lobby.
In my oppinion the week is not that far of depending on what you want the client to do. Would a fully fledged client that one would expect from one of the biggest games in the world take longer than a week? Definetly.
Would a functional client (without fancy gimmicks like your shop, loot animations or a replay system) take a week? Maybe.
A lot of the clients failings could be fixed in minutes. if you’re patching and hover over the “download replay” button it shows you a dialogue stating “that the replay has expired”. You could give this problem to a new hire as a “get familiar with our code” exercise and they would be done in less than a minute, maybe 2 tops.
I’m a toplane main so thats my main knowledge base. If there are other champions like that (someone mentioned Viktor) then I just don’t know about that. I am not leagueofgraphs, thus my Omniscience is limited.