Hello everyone on this awesome subreddit! Wondering about reading habits…I’ve always been a 20 minutes before bed kinda person but I’d like to read more and be more spontaneous with my reading. Do you read a certain amount of pages or time per day? Or just read whenever and how ever much you want? Maybe a certain time of day? Basically I guess Explain to me your daily reading habits or routine ! If you feel like it I mean.

Any answers appreciated! Thank you so much!!

  • ksarlathotepB
    10 months ago

    I read about 1-3 hours per day. I think the average is closer to the lower end, maybe 75 to 90 minutes. On weekends it can be 2 hours and more. Not really a certain time, but usually sometime in the afternoon - I normally read to take a break from studying, and I study most of the afternoon. I have an “office” / computer room where I study, so for reading I go to the living room to get into a different headspace. Sometimes I also read in the evening / before bed, and that’ll drive the numbers up a bit. 2-3 times a week, most commonly on the weekends, I’ll go to a cafe or the library to read, and just read for 2 hours or more in one go.